On the way down there I went inot a McDonald's. I ordered some cheap, gross yet delicious food from the dollar menu and asked the dude for a "glass of water." Pretty much, in the land of fast food if you ask for a glass of water you get a cardboard soda cup of tap water. Standard. So homie behind the counter gives me my food and a cardboard cup. Sweet. I head over to the soda fountain and fill er up. I aksed the dude for a glass of water but he gave me an empty cup. I filled the cup up with ice and got some root beer. Fuck it. The cost is in the cup, which I already had, and the soda is just bags of syrup anyway. No big deal. But then the dude who sold me the food comes up out of nowhere and rips the cup out of my hand spilling root beer and ice. He yanked the cup away and when I said that I would pay for a small root beer he refused to sell me one. I said, "Dude I thought you were hooking me up with the cup. Can't I just buy a small root beer for the dollar?y bad.." And the dude was like, "You're not that thirsty."
What a shitty management style. Tempers flaired and a scene was caused twice over, rather than the MacDonalds losing a root beer.
Everyone is struggling for power in this society because this society is such a frustrating place. Life on Planet Earth and especially in America is a pissing contest and everyone wants to make a big splash. I'm just trying to not lose my mind and catch hold of some free root beer when I can. I guess writing this down is a weird grasp for power in itself, and that is certainly pathetic. I'll bet that fucker from MacDonalds doesn't have a blog though...
That black eye isn't from McDonald's is it?
No it's from another story, but it's all related. People, uh,...they suck.
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