After Christmas, I stayed at Changas like I do. Chad's a Rank 6 now. You betta ax somebody. Exackly...
Anyway, I logged some hours on Chad's sofa just layin there watchin MASH and before I knew what the fuck was happening, it was time to up and move to Seattle. I'm on some total new shit and I'm psyched.
Before I left though, all the tight homies (with exceptions of those who couldn't attend for various unfortunate reasons) got together and we had ourselves a hanksy's last supper. What the hell? Who knows when I'll see these fools again, and honestly, they're my heart. So it was really cool to go to the Black Cow and goof around with these assholes for what seemed like, "one last time," but I know that could never be true.
So the next day Bradley Michael J picks me up at Changas and we roll to Logan after making a stop for Petrol and another for beef, right on the way outta town. Jr. Beefmaster always says goodbye to everybody on the way out, as he did to us the other day. I like to let people know what's what so I told him I was on my way to the airport and wouldn't see him for awhile. "No beef in Seattle", he replied. Fuckinay. When I fly back home to Boston who knows when, my aim is to get Beef before even going to my parents home.
En route to the airport, we were well ahead of schedule and who likes waiting around in airports when they could be goofing around smoking weed with their homies? So we wheel over to Newbury Comics to get a Thrasher. It takes six weeks to get yer Thrashers after you change your address. (Ask Adam Amengual about it.)
So anyway, anyway, I get the Thrasher I'm missing at Newbury Comics and the fucking Space Needle's on the cover. Fucking Sign dude, Seattle. () Right after I got the call for the interview at ESPN Brad and I were driving around with his ipod on shuffle, discussing what it would be like if I moved to New York City and Andrew WK's "I Love New York City" came up on the shuffle out of some twelve thousand songs on the pod. Trippy, Bro.
So I ate a pill, felt hella calm and rolled the fuck out of Boston. I had a Jack and Coke and slept the entirety of the flight. I awoke in Seattle and within the hour I was smoking headies with the Hitta while listening to a pressed copy of the Abomination Nation Compilaton, Abomination Nation Records Release #668. I was beyond-o stoked, and you can be to. Hit us up for a copy: You can get the Shakin Michael J and Chandelears shit too, if you don't already have em. Just communicate with us and we'll send it out. Stay tuned.
Seattle's gonna be fun...
1 comment:
What is this Abomination Nation Compilation and how do i get my grubby hands on one?
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